Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Let's Get Together!

Socializing is so important for children of all ages and starts when they are babies.  You don't need a ton of toys for your baby to learn social skills.  S/he will learn a lot by observing your behaviors and those of others.  Finding other children that same age as your little one can be challenging for SAHMs.  Thankfully there are many programs available such as these nationally based programs:

Many cities also have their own programs and you can find them using Google and typing 'programs for babies (city name).'

I decided to begin classes at Gymboree when Griffin was 4 months old.  He began classes at The Little Gym as well when he was 7 months old.  Both programs have been wonderful!

Gymboree creates a fun environment for children to explore.  All of the equipment and props used are in primary colors - which is ideal for babies.  The star of each session is a puppet named Gymbo the Clown...the power that this clown has is amazing!  Each child is mesmerized by the movements that Gymbo makes.  Now that Griffin and his friends are older, they often can be seen looking for Gymbo when he plays 'peek-a-boo.'  It really is cute to watch!  Gymboree sessions are language rich as well as exploratory based.  The teacher engages the children in several songs that feature rhymes and basic concepts.  When exploring the gym area, the babies are exposed to a weekly theme (i.e. tunnels, slides, etc.), and there are several stations to visit.  During the classes, the teacher also works individually with each child or in small groups on a specific motor skill.  I must say that Griffin truly loves his Gymboree teacher, Ms. Liz.  Liz has been teaching the class for several years, and you can tell that she truly loves what she does!

The Little Gym is another program that has a highly concentrated focus on gross and fine motor development incorporated with music and social play.  This program works on developmental milestone goals which they introduce at the beginning of each class.  It lives up to its name and the babies are encouraged to use real gym equipment (i.e. balance beam, uneven bars, rings) with help and spotting of course.  Here is a video of Griffin  on the balance beam.

Here's another video of Griffin receiving his award at the end of the class ceremony.

Forming friendships with other moms has been an added perk to participating in these programs.  We have a great group of several moms who take turns hosting get togethers in which the dads are also included.  I know that my husband has enjoyed getting to know the other fathers as well as interacting with other couples who have kids the same age as Griffin.  Always a good sport, he's enjoyed getting in on the fun on many occasions!

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July to you!  Hope you are staying cool :).  Just wanted to quickly share a great lunch recipe that I made for Griffin today.....scrambled egg, cheese, and broccoli quesadilla.  It's super easy.  Just scramble one egg, cut up some steamed broccoli, and add to half a tortilla (I buy the ones that are whole grain with extra fiber).  Sprinkle shredded cheddar on top of the egg and broccoli and fold over the tortilla.  Brown each side of the tortilla in a skillet.  Viola!  You have lunch!  I served Griffin's with some fresh cut up pineapple.  Enjoy!