Monday, April 9, 2012

Bottle Weaning

Bottle Weaning....sounds scary, but really it isn't.  Prior to initiating, I had visions in my head of Griffin throwing his sippy cup down on the ground and refusing his formula.  You see, my kid cherishes his 'baba' time.  Since around 6 months old, he has been holding his own bottle while laying on his 'thrown' - which really is his Boppy pillow positioned on the floor.  It's been his alone time as well as a place to demonstrate independence and autonomy. 

I began introducing the sippy cup around 8 months old.  I used it only for water (also tried diluted juice, but G was not a fan).  The cup we purchased was called the Nuk Learner Cup (below).  I like this cup because it does not have a stopper which slows down the flow and requires increased oral motor pressure making it more difficult for newbies suck. I also like the material of the sipper - silicone just like a bottle nipple which makes the transition less foreign.

Upon first introduction, Griffin was indifferent and not really interested in drinking water.  I decided to establish 'sippy cup time' after each meal since babies often respond positively to repetition and routine. Sometimes he drank the water and other times he just played with the cup.  I did not push him to drink, however, I provided praise when he sipped some water. 

In time, Griffin became a water fan.  He even began saying 'wawa' when asked "Do you want some water?" or to request a drink.  I apologize for being so loud in this video!!  I must learn to use my inside voice - lol!

At around 10 months old, I began to fill the sippy cup with his formula.  He readily took the cup and drank the formula from it!  Now, he is taking 3 feedings a day with his sippy cup.  I've kept the pre-bed feeding as a bottle one.  Part of me, still wants to hold on to that baby part of Griffin...but this feeding will soon be replaced by the sippy cup.  Of course, Griffin continues to drink independently and from his ever so comfy 'throne!' 

Of course, not every baby's experience with bottle weaning is the same.  Just like us, each baby has his/her own time frame and personality!  There's an entire website dedicated to bottle weaning,  There's some great advice on this site!

Now, if only consistent napping could be so easy.....


  1. Haha -- I had a multiple meaning word mix-up...truly meant to say 'throne' not 'thrown!'
